Useful Insurance Tips for Olim

Useful Insurance Tips for Olim

By Danny Newman, Branch Manager – Beit Shemesh, Goldfus Insurance

Many insurance related questions come our way each summer after the influx of Olim Chadashim that arrive every year. Over the years, we noticed the same questions repeating themselves and that is why we have taken the liberty to address those questions by providing useful insurance tips for Olim.

THE CLOCK IS TICKING – Major changes to private health policies in 2015

THE CLOCK IS TICKING – Major changes to private health policies in 2015

By Danny Newman, Branch Manager – Beit Shemesh, Goldfus Insurance


On the 24th November 2014, Dorit Salinger, the Comptroller of Capital Markets, Insurance & Savings in Israel, publicised proposed changes that will significantly impact cover for private operations,

Understanding Life Insurance in Israel

Article: Understanding Life Insurance in Israel

By Danny Newman, Branch Manager – Ramat Beit Shemesh, Goldfus Insurance & Investments

We have all unfortunately heard tragic stories or seen people collecting for widows and orphans. Whilst no policy can ease the sorrow of losing a loved one, a simple life insurance policy can at least ease the financial burden that comes with such a loss.

Breaking Myths About Liability Insurance

Breaking Myths About Liability Insurance

By Daniel Lange, General Insurance Manager, Goldfus Insurance

After buying a house or setting up a business, the first thing most people think about is how to protect the investment and the physical assets.

A property Insurance policy can provide cover for structure or contents in a home or office environment for a fixed amount in the event of fire,