Home Contents Insurance
Your material possessions are part of what turns your house into your home. Losing possessions due to fire, burglary or natural disasters can take a tremendous emotional toll on you and your family. Replacing necessary possessions can take an equally large financial toll.
Contents insurance is there to protect you from potential loss if such an event arises. Have a free, no-obligation consultation with someone from our team who can help guide you to the best contents insurance plan for your needs.

Contact Us About Home Contents Insurance
What does contents insurance cover?
Contents insurance covers all items that are detached from the structure of the house. Built-in appliances, fixtures and fittings would be added to the structure insurance.
The cost of contents insurance will depend on the level of cover required (i.e. the value of the items you are insuring), and the events you wish to be insured against.
Contents can be insured against:
- Burglary
- Fire damage
- Water damage
- Earthquake
- Terror activity
- Vandalism
Valuable items such as jewelry, art, and stamp collections will need to be appraised in order to arrive at the appropriate level of insurance for those specific items. We work closely with an appraisal company that will evaluate and appraise all types of jewelry and valuables in your own home, at no extra cost to you.
Portable Devices and Bicycles
Items of value that are often taken outside the house (e.g. jewelry, laptop computers, smartphones, cameras, musical instruments), can be insured on an ‘all risk’ basis anywhere in Israel, except if they are stolen from inside a car. The ‘all risk’ component will cover all loss and damage excluding wear and tear, and may be extended to include worldwide cover.
Bicycles can also be insured on an ‘all risk’ basis to cover 3rd party damage as a result of an accident.
As part of the contents insurance, 3rd party liability cover is added to insure the policy owners for accidents that not only occur in their home, but also caused damage to neighboring property. Third party liability can be extended to cover business activity, swimming pools and other specific activities.
Tips for Olim
Olim Chadashim who are shipping their contents should be aware that the maritime insurance provided by the shipping company is only valid until delivery. In order to ensure that coverage is in place from the moment your possessions arrive, set up the appropriate contents insurance in advance.
Are you renting your first home in Israel?
Many new Olim opt to rent for the first year or two, to ensure that they’re comfortable with the local community, schools and resources in the area before committing to building or buying. Yes, you can absolutely insure your home’s contents while you are renting, but because rental contracts in Israel may differ from contracts in your home country, please do refer to our article about rental contracts right here before you sign.
Ready to establish coverage?
It’s critical to choose the right type and level of insurance for the things in your home so that you can be assured that you’ll always have the possessions you need for the physical and emotional functionality of your family. Get a free, no-obligation consultation with someone from our team who can help guide you to the best contents insurance plan for your needs.